Chemawa Garden Apartments

Chemawa Garden Apartments



Keizer, Oregon



Total Units


Square Footage


Chemawa Garden Apartments in Keizer, Oregon, is a unique project that combines the revitalization of existing structures with new construction, creating a multifaceted residential environment. This development enhances the local housing market by blending the old with the new, a strategy that respects the community's heritage while addressing its current needs.

Project Start

July 2021

Project Complete

June 2022

Project Notes

Despite the challenges of integrating new construction with existing buildings, the project progressed smoothly, with the development team managing to complete it by June 2022. This timeline not only reflects Clutch's commitment to efficiency but also their ability to handle complex projects that require a delicate balance between new development and renovation.

Strategic Importance

Chemawa Garden Apartments is notable for its approach to development, which emphasizes sustainability through the reuse and revitalization of existing structures. This approach not only conserves resources but also helps maintain the character of the neighborhood. The project demonstrates Clutch's capability to innovate within the multi-family housing sector and underscores their commitment to sustainable development practices.


Chemawa Garden Apartments serves as a model for multi-family housing projects that aim to merge new construction with existing structures. It offers a template for how developers can enhance community housing resources while respecting historical contexts. As Clutch continues to expand its portfolio, the success of Chemawa Garden Apartments highlights their growing expertise in creating diverse and sustainable living environments.

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