Sonic River Apartments

Sonic River Apartments



Keizer, Oregon



Total Units


Square Footage


Sonic River Apartments represents a landmark development in Keizer, Oregon, as Clutch's inaugural venture into the mixed-use development sphere. This project was designed to harmoniously integrate residential living with commercial functionality, responding to the growing demand for versatile urban spaces.

Project Start

March 2020

Project Complete

December 2020

Project Notes

The development progressed at an impressive pace, with the team managing to complete the construction in 9 months and receive the certificate of occupancy by December 2020. This expedited timeline demonstrates Clutch's efficiency and ability to adapt to complex situations.

Strategic Importance

Sonic River Apartments is a critical development for Clutch, marking their first step into mixed-use projects. This expansion not only diversifies their portfolio but also showcases their capacity to meet the changing needs of modern urban dwellers and businesses alike. The project is a testament to Clutch's strategic planning and execution, setting a new standard for their future developments.


Sonic River Apartments stands as a vibrant addition to the Keizer community, offering a dynamic blend of residential and commercial uses. This project not only meets the needs of its residents and businesses but also contributes to the broader goal of urban development and sustainability.

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